2016 QUARTER 02

DN1-4 - Vector-to-raster and raster-to-vector conversions
  • Explain how the vector/raster/vector conversion process of graphic images and algorithms takes place and how the results are achieved
  • Create estimated tessellated data sets from point samples or isolines using interpolation operations that are appropriate to the specific situation
  • Illustrate the impact of vector/raster/vector conversions on the quality of a dataset
  • Convert vector data to raster format and back using GIS software
GD4-2 - Vertical datums
  • Explain how a vertical datum is established
  • Differentiate between NAVD 29 and NAVD 88
  • Illustrate the difference between a vertical datum and a geoid
  • Illustrate the relationship among the concepts ellipsoidal (or geodetic) height, geoidal height, and orthometric elevation
  • Outline the historical development of vertical datums
CV4-6 - Virtual and immersive environments
  • Discuss the nature and use of virtual environments, such as Google Earth
  • Explain how various data formats and software and hardware environments support immersive visualization
  • Compare and contrast the relative advantages of different immersive display systems used for cartographic visualization (e.g., CAVEs, GeoWalls)
  • Evaluate the extent to which a GeoWall or CAVE does or does not enhance understanding of spatial data
  • Explain how the virtual and immersive environments become increasingly more complex as we move from the relatively non-immersive VRML desktop environment to a stereoscopic display (e.g., a GeoWall) to a more fully immersive CAVE
CV4-8 - Visualization of temporal geographic data
  • Describe how the adding time-series data reveals or does not reveal patterns not evident in a cross-sectional data
  • Describe how an animated map reveals patterns not evident without animation
  • Demonstrate how Bertin’s “graphic variables” can be extended to include animation effects
  • Create a temporal sequence representing a dynamic geospatial process
CV4-9 - Visualization of uncertainty
  • Describe a technique that can be used to represent the value of each of the components of data quality (positional and attribute accuracy, logical consistency, and completeness)
  • Apply multivariate and dynamic visualization methods to display uncertainty in data
  • Sketch a map with a reliability overlay using symbols suited to reliability representations
  • Develop graphic techniques that clearly show different forms of inexactness (e.g., existence uncertainty, boundary location uncertainty, attribute ambiguity, transitional boundary) of a given feature (e.g., a culture region)
CV4-5 - Web mapping and visualizations
  • Construct a Web page that includes an interactive map
  • Describe considerations for using maps on the Web as a method for downloading data
  • Critique the user interface for existing Internet mapping services
  • Edit the symbology, labeling, and page layout for a map originally designed for hard copy printing so that it can be seen and used on the Web
  • Discuss the influence of the user interface on maps and visualizations on the Web
GC9-5 - Weighting schemes
  • Evaluate a fuzzy weighting scheme in terms of uncertainty and error propagation
DA6-1 - Workflow analysis and design
  • Compare and contrast various methods for modeling workflows, including narratives, flowcharts, and UML
  • Compare and contrast the relative merits of various software design methods, including traditional procedural designs, object-oriented design, the Rational Unified Process, Extreme Programming, and the Unified Software Development Process
  • Transform traditional workflows into computer-assisted workflows leveraging geospatial technologies to an appropriate degree
  • Discuss the degree to which structured and unstructured tasks can be automated
  • Differentiate between structured and unstructured tasks
