2018 QUARTER 03

DA-07 - Applications in federal government
  • List and describe the types of data maintained by federal governments
  • Explain how geospatial information might be used in a taking of private property through a government’s claim of its right of eminent domain
  • Describe how geospatial data are used and maintained for land use planning, property value assessment, maintenance of public works, and other applications
  • Explain the concept of a “spatial decision support system”
DA-05 - Applications in local government
  • List and describe the types of data maintained by local governments
  • Explain how geospatial information might be used in a taking of private property through a government’s claim of its right of eminent domain
  • Describe how geospatial data are used and maintained for land use planning, property value assessment, maintenance of public works, and other applications
  • Explain the concept of a “spatial decision support system”
DA-06 - Applications in state government
  • List and describe the types of data maintained by state governments
  • Explain how geospatial information might be used in a taking of private property through a government’s claim of its right of eminent domain
  • Describe how geospatial data are used and maintained for land use planning, property value assessment, maintenance of public works, and other applications
  • Explain the concept of a “spatial decision support system”
AM-62 - Approaches to point, line, and area generalization
  • Describe the basic forms of generalization used in applications in addition to cartography (e.g., selection, simplification)
  • Explain why areal generalization is more difficult than line simplification
  • Explain the logic of the Douglas-Poiker line simplification algorithm
  • Explain the pitfalls of using data generalized for small scale display in a large scale application
  • Design an experiment that allows one to evaluate the effect of traditional approaches of cartographic generalization on the quality of digital data sets created from analog originals
  • Evaluate various line simplification algorithms by their usefulness in different applications
  • Discuss the possible effects on topological integrity of generalizing data sets
DM-44 - Approximating the Earth's shape with geoids
  • Explain why gravity varies over the Earth’s surface
  • Explain how geoids are modeled
  • Explain the role that the U.S. National Geodetic Survey plays in maintaining and developing geoid models
  • Explain the concept of an equipotential gravity surface (i.e., a geoid)
DM-43 - Approximating the geoid with spheres and ellipsoids
  • Identify the parameters used to define an ellipsoid
  • Differentiate the Clarke 1866 and WGS 84 ellipsoids in terms of ellipsoid parameters
  • Differentiate between a bi-axial and tri-axial ellipsoid and their applications
  • Explain why spheres and ellipsoids are used to approximate geoids
  • Distinguish between a geoid, an ellipsoid, a sphere, and the terrain surface
  • Describe an application for which it is acceptable to use a sphere rather than an ellipsoid
FC-16 - Area and Region
  • List reasons why the area of a polygon calculated in a GIS might not be the same as the real world object it describes
  • Demonstrate how the area of a region calculated from a raster data set will vary by resolution and orientation
  • Outline an algorithm to find the area of a polygon using the coordinates of its vertices
  • Explain how variations in the calculation of area may have real world implications, such as calculating density
  • Delineate regions using properties, spatial relationships, and geospatial technologies
  • Exemplify regions found at different scales
  • Explain the relationship between regions and categories
  • Identify the kinds of phenomena commonly found at the boundaries of regions
  • Explain why general-purpose regions rarely exist
  • Differentiate among different types of regions, including functional, cultural, physical, administrative, and others
  • Compare and contrast the opportunities and pitfalls of using regions to aggregate geographic information (e.g., census data)
  • Use established analysis methods that are based on the concept of region (e.g., landscape ecology)
  • Explain the nature of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)
CP-04 - Artificial intelligence
  • Describe computational intelligence methods that may apply to GIS&T
  • Exemplify the potential for machine learning to expand performance of specialized geospatial analysis functions
  • Identify artificial intelligence tools that may be useful for GIS&T
  • Describe a hypothesis space that includes searches for optimality of solutions within that space
GS-10 - Balancing data access, security, and privacy
  • Assess the effect of restricting data in the context of the availability of alternate sources of data
  • Exemplify areas where post-9/11 changes in policies have restricted or expanded data access
GS-21 - Balancing security and open access to geospatial information
  • Discuss the way that a legal regime balances the need for security of geospatial data with the desire for open access
