map projections

DM-53 - Map projection properties
  • Describe the visual appearance of the Earth’s graticule
  • Discuss what a Tissot indicatrix represents and how it can be used to assess projection-induced error
  • Interpret a given a projected graticule, continent outlines, and indicatrixes at each graticule intersection in terms of geometric properties preserved and distorted
  • Illustrate distortion patterns associated with a given projection class
  • Recognize distortion patterns on a map based upon the graticule arrangement
  • Explain the kind of distortion that occurs when raster data are projected
  • Explain the rationale for the selection of the geometric property that is preserved in map projections used as the basis of the UTM and SPC systems
  • Recommend the map projection property that would be useful for various mapping applications, including parcel mapping, route mapping, etc., and justify your recommendations
  • Define the four geometric properties of the globe that may be preserved or lost in projected coordinates
  • Explain the concept of a “compromise” projection and for which purposes it is useful
DM-55 - Map projection parameters
  • Explain how the concepts of the tangent and secant cases relate to the idea of a standard line
  • Implement a given map projection formula in a software program that reads geographic coordinates as input and produces projected (x, y) coordinates as output
  • Identify the parameters that allow one to focus a projection on an area of interest
  • Use GIS software to produce a graticule that matches a target graticule
  • Identify the possible “aspects” of a projection and describe the graticule’s appearance in each aspect
  • Define key terms such as “standard line,” “projection case,” and “latitude and longitude of origin”
DM-54 - Map projection classes
  • Explain the concepts “developable surface” and “reference globe” as ways of projecting the Earth’s surface
  • Explain the mathematical basis by which latitude and longitude locations are projected into x and y coordinate space
  • Illustrate the graticule configurations for “other” projection classes, such as polyconic, pseudocylindrical, etc.
  • Classify various map projection types according to the geometric properties preserved
  • Classify various map projection types by the three main classes of map projections based on developable surfaces
DM-55 - Map projection parameters
  • Explain how the concepts of the tangent and secant cases relate to the idea of a standard line
  • Implement a given map projection formula in a software program that reads geographic coordinates as input and produces projected (x, y) coordinates as output
  • Identify the parameters that allow one to focus a projection on an area of interest
  • Use GIS software to produce a graticule that matches a target graticule
  • Identify the possible “aspects” of a projection and describe the graticule’s appearance in each aspect
  • Define key terms such as “standard line,” “projection case,” and “latitude and longitude of origin”
DM-54 - Map projection classes
  • Explain the concepts “developable surface” and “reference globe” as ways of projecting the Earth’s surface
  • Explain the mathematical basis by which latitude and longitude locations are projected into x and y coordinate space
  • Illustrate the graticule configurations for “other” projection classes, such as polyconic, pseudocylindrical, etc.
  • Classify various map projection types according to the geometric properties preserved
  • Classify various map projection types by the three main classes of map projections based on developable surfaces
DM-53 - Map projection properties
  • Describe the visual appearance of the Earth’s graticule
  • Discuss what a Tissot indicatrix represents and how it can be used to assess projection-induced error
  • Interpret a given a projected graticule, continent outlines, and indicatrixes at each graticule intersection in terms of geometric properties preserved and distorted
  • Illustrate distortion patterns associated with a given projection class
  • Recognize distortion patterns on a map based upon the graticule arrangement
  • Explain the kind of distortion that occurs when raster data are projected
  • Explain the rationale for the selection of the geometric property that is preserved in map projections used as the basis of the UTM and SPC systems
  • Recommend the map projection property that would be useful for various mapping applications, including parcel mapping, route mapping, etc., and justify your recommendations
  • Define the four geometric properties of the globe that may be preserved or lost in projected coordinates
  • Explain the concept of a “compromise” projection and for which purposes it is useful
DM-53 - Map projection properties
  • Describe the visual appearance of the Earth’s graticule
  • Discuss what a Tissot indicatrix represents and how it can be used to assess projection-induced error
  • Interpret a given a projected graticule, continent outlines, and indicatrixes at each graticule intersection in terms of geometric properties preserved and distorted
  • Illustrate distortion patterns associated with a given projection class
  • Recognize distortion patterns on a map based upon the graticule arrangement
  • Explain the kind of distortion that occurs when raster data are projected
  • Explain the rationale for the selection of the geometric property that is preserved in map projections used as the basis of the UTM and SPC systems
  • Recommend the map projection property that would be useful for various mapping applications, including parcel mapping, route mapping, etc., and justify your recommendations
  • Define the four geometric properties of the globe that may be preserved or lost in projected coordinates
  • Explain the concept of a “compromise” projection and for which purposes it is useful
DM-55 - Map projection parameters
  • Explain how the concepts of the tangent and secant cases relate to the idea of a standard line
  • Implement a given map projection formula in a software program that reads geographic coordinates as input and produces projected (x, y) coordinates as output
  • Identify the parameters that allow one to focus a projection on an area of interest
  • Use GIS software to produce a graticule that matches a target graticule
  • Identify the possible “aspects” of a projection and describe the graticule’s appearance in each aspect
  • Define key terms such as “standard line,” “projection case,” and “latitude and longitude of origin”
DM-54 - Map projection classes
  • Explain the concepts “developable surface” and “reference globe” as ways of projecting the Earth’s surface
  • Explain the mathematical basis by which latitude and longitude locations are projected into x and y coordinate space
  • Illustrate the graticule configurations for “other” projection classes, such as polyconic, pseudocylindrical, etc.
  • Classify various map projection types according to the geometric properties preserved
  • Classify various map projection types by the three main classes of map projections based on developable surfaces
DM-55 - Map projection parameters
  • Explain how the concepts of the tangent and secant cases relate to the idea of a standard line
  • Implement a given map projection formula in a software program that reads geographic coordinates as input and produces projected (x, y) coordinates as output
  • Identify the parameters that allow one to focus a projection on an area of interest
  • Use GIS software to produce a graticule that matches a target graticule
  • Identify the possible “aspects” of a projection and describe the graticule’s appearance in each aspect
  • Define key terms such as “standard line,” “projection case,” and “latitude and longitude of origin”
