network analysis

AM-43 - Other classic network problems
  • Describe several classic problems to which network analysis is applied (e.g., the traveling salesman problem, the Chinese postman problem)
  • Explain why heuristic solutions are generally used to address the combinatorially complex nature of these problems and the difficulty of solving them optimally
FC-19 - Networks defined
  • Define different interpretations of “cost” in various routing applications
  • Describe networks that apply to specific applications or industries
  • Create a data set with network attributes and topology
  • Define the following terms pertaining to a network: Loops, multiple edges, the degree of a vertex, walk, trail, path, cycle, fundamental cycle
AM-44 - Accessibility modeling
  • Describe alternate definitions of accessibility on a network
  • Describe methods for measuring different kinds of accessibility on a network
  • Contrast accessibility modeling at the individual level versus at an aggregated level
  • Compare current accessibility models with early models of market potential
AM-43 - Other classic network problems
  • Describe several classic problems to which network analysis is applied (e.g., the traveling salesman problem, the Chinese postman problem)
  • Explain why heuristic solutions are generally used to address the combinatorially complex nature of these problems and the difficulty of solving them optimally
AM-41 - Flow modeling
  • Describe practical situations in which flow is conserved while splitting or joining at nodes of the network
  • Apply a maximum flow algorithm to calculate the largest flow from a source to a sink, using the edges of the network, subject to capacity constraints on the arcs and the conservation of flow
  • Explain how the concept of capacity represents an upper limit on the amount of flow through the network
  • Demonstrate how capacity is assigned to edges in a network using the appropriate data structure
