AM-69 - Cellular automata (CA)

You are currently viewing an archived version of Topic Cellular Automata. If updates or revisions have been published you can find them at Cellular Automata.

Learning Objectives: 
  • Analyze the advantages and limitations of CA geospatial representations
  • Explain how the use of CA to represent a geographical region relates to how places in a region are interconnected
  • Describe how CA might represent a geographical region
  • Describe how local and global transitional rules are handled in CA
  • Describe how the rules of the Game of Life typically result in a continuously evolving pattern
  • Explain two geographical processes that could be effectively represented using CA
  • Explain two geographical processes that could not be effectively represented using CA
  • Describe classic CA transition rules
  • Describe the challenges of calibrating CA models
  • Explain how temporal concepts are implemented in CA models
  • Describe error sources of CA models