CV-10 - Typography

You are currently viewing an archived version of Topic Typography. If updates or revisions have been published you can find them at Typography.

Learning Objectives: 
  • Name the authorities used to confirm the spelling of geographic names for a specific mapping project
  • Compare and contrast the strengths and limitations of methods for automatic label placement
  • Compare and contrast the relative merits of having map labels placed dynamically versus having them saved as annotation data
  • Explain how text properties can be used as visual variables to graphically represent the type and attributes of geographic features
  • Explain how to label features having indeterminate boundaries (e.g., canyons, oceans)
  • Position labels on a map to name point, line, and area features
  • Apply the appropriate technology to place name labels on a map using a geographic names database
  • Set type font, size, style, and color for labels on a map by applying basic typography design principles
  • Create a set of mapping problems that can be used to illustrate point, line, and area label conventions for placing text on maps
  • Solve a labeling problem for a dense collection of features on a map using minimal leader lines
  • Describe the role of labels in assisting readers in understanding feature locations (e.g., label to the right of point, label follows line indicating its position, area label assists understanding extent of feature and feature type)