database design

DM-34 - Conceptual models
  • Define entities and relationships as used in conceptual data models
  • Create a conceptual model diagram of data needed in a geospatial application or enterprise database
  • Design application-specific conceptual models
  • Deconstruct an application use case into conceptual components
  • Explain the objectives of the conceptual modeling phase of design
  • Describe the degree to which attributes need to be modeled in the conceptual modeling phase
DM-33 - Modeling tools
  • Compare and contrast the relative merits of various textual and graphical tools for data modeling, including E-R diagrams, UML, and XML
  • Create E-R and UML diagrams of database designs
  • Create conceptual, logical, and physical data models using automated software tools
FC-10 - GIS Data Properties

Data properties are characteristics of GIS attribute systems and values whose design and format impacts analytical and computational processing.  Geospatial data are expressed at conceptual, logical, and physical levels of database abstraction intended to represent geographical information. The appropriate design of attribute systems and selection of properties should be logically consistent and support appropriate scales of measurement for representation and analysis. Geospatial concepts such as object-field views and dimensional space for relating objects and qualities form data models based on a geographic matrix and feature geometry. Three GIS approaches and their attribute system design are described: tessellations, vectors, and graphs.
